Many global women’s rights organisations, including
Soroptimist International, as well as other non-governmental organisations
working towards the achievement of women’s rights, have come together after a
series of consultations, to arrive at several conclusions regarding a proposal
to have a Fifth World Conference on Women or other commemoration of the Beijing
Plus 20.
What has been agreed is that a reaffirmation of commitment is
needed from member states of the United Nations to the full implementation of
the Beijing Platform for Action, at its 20th year anniversary. This
is of critical importance in the fight to achieve gender equality, which
includes the effective implementation of CEDAW
and the Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security – namely 1325 and 1820. The commitments
previously made have to be refreshed in the minds of world leaders and
reaffirmed. We want governments to undertake a review of the progress achieved
to date and address the challenges faced.
Currently huge gaps still exist between the written goals and the
implementation of them. It was agreed that the reaffirmations must entail both the mobilisation of strong
political will and financial resources so that practical implementation can be effective. What has also been requested is that the outcomes from the
conference NOT entail further inter-government negotiation whereby the strength
of conviction could be lost and the objectives diluted. This point was of critical importance to SI. The meeting should also
be fully inclusive and include a range of voices from those working towards the
achievement of gender equality.
Soroptimist International believes that is it vital to recapture world leaders on the issues that women and girls continue to face and to demand the need for full
implementation so that progress continues to be made in the advancement of gender equality.
For a full list of signatories please see here
For the full 3 page resolution, please click here.