A new Chief Executive, Lynn Jackson, will join the Soroptimist International headquarters team in Cambridge, UK, in the first week of March.
"Please join me in giving a warm Soroptimist welcome to our new CEO, Lynn Jackson", says Soroptimist International President Alice Wells. "Lynn has had experience within the private, public, charity and NGO sectors. Her experience with the Charity Commission will be a wonderful asset as SI moves forward seeking charitable status. In addition, she brings a wealth of experience in the areas of financial management, governance, event management, and working with different groups of staff and boards of directors."
Lynn has held Chief Executive roles with a number of previous organisations and is currently interim director for a commercial organisation with responsibility for all key areas of finance, regulatory compliance, contract negotiation, HR, ICT, health and safety and facilities. She has undertaken work for the UK Government’s commercial aid schemes, which has involved stakeholders from multi-cultural and multi-faith backgrounds.
Her voluntary activities have included The Princes Trust, the Marine Stewardship Council and Operation Wallacea Trust (world-wide conservation research). Lynn’s hobbies include the arts, walking, horse-riding and cycling.
The small Soroptimist International Headquarters staff team assists the SI President and elected Officers in carrying out their duties and supports SI’s programme work, including its relationship with the United Nations, NGOs and other international organisations. Since November, Margaret Hyde, a Soroptimist from Cambridge, has led SIHQ as volunteer interim Executive Director. The other members of the SIHQ team are:
- Reilly Dempsey – Programme Director (currently on maternity leave)
- Anna McCormick – Programme Manager
- Rosi Jack – Communications Manager (part-time, fixed term to May 2013)
- Veronica Kendon – Finance and Administration (part-time).
Lynn takes up her role in the first week in March and will be working 2 days a week as she transitions from her current job into her new SI position. From April, she will be working 4 days a week.