Tackling teen dating violence, inspiring women & lobbying for firm commitments at #CSW57

Hilary Ratcliffe, SI Programme Director, reports on day 3 at the Commission on the Status of Women:  the first SI event, women of distinction awards and the need to prevent Governments backing down from firm conclusions on eliminating violence against women. Read all the latest CSW updates at www.soroptimistinternational.org/CSW57

Yesterday we held our first side eventStop the tide:Tackling adolescent dating violence. This subject obviously struck a chord! We were scheduled in a room that seated 70. At a rough estimate we had 130 in the room if not more. I had the role of gatekeeper and turned away at least 60 more people who wanted to participate.

The panel was excellent and even in the crowded conditions we were able to play a game devised for the younger members of guides (called Brownies), where we had to look at a picture and from that decide whether the relationship was a healthy one. We then had to peg the picture on a washing line-one end being a healthy relationship, the other end not. Simple but effective and key to helping young people to recognise an inappropriate and potentially violent friendship.

Our delegation continues to work hard meeting with country delegations trying to get over our views.There are key sticking points in the agreed text and we are trying to push forward the importance of education and leadership for all women and girls and urge governments not to dilute their commitment to ending violence against women and girls in all its manifestations.

At the NGO reception last evening an award was presented to the woman of distinction 2013 by the NGO committee.It was given to Bineta Diop who is the founder of Femmes Africa Solidarite. She has been involved in peace building inmany African states particularly the Congo and Burundi and is a relentless campaigner for gender parity empowering women to play their part in African development.

CSW57 is an enormous challenge as many governments are trying to water down the language and to dilute their commitment to ending violence.We are doing our very best to stop that happening. 6000 women’s voices should not be ignored!

Image: Hilary with World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts’ representatives at the packed session SI and WAGGGs had organised on adolescent dating violence.



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