Dreams come true in California

A blog by Linda Gillis, SI Clovis 'Dream It Be It' Chair The SIA Dream It Be It; Career Support for Girls Program ® (DIBI) reached more than 50 high school girls in the rural Central Valley town of Clovis, California this year. Soroptimist International of Clovis decided to hold

Soroptimists at Work Human Trafficking and the 5P’s

Human Trafficking Conference in California 6 and 7 March Five "P"s to focus on…Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, Partnerships, Policy”- Soroptimists at work! A blog by Dawn Marie Lemonds, SI Director Awareness, Advocacy, and Action continue to be the cornerstone of our mission.  Soroptimists in southern California supported the 14th Annual Ensure

Q&A #HearMySIVoice

We settle down for a chat with Sarah Cowley, of SI Moreton North Inc Australia SISWP Please tell us a little about your background and how you became a Soroptimist? "I have 10 years’ experience across Global Communications, Project Management, and Human Resources. I have led teams in Australia, Asia,

Eyes on the Future – A Q&A with Soroptimists

In the first in a series of Q&A's we talk to Soroptimist Amrita Gautam ‘Soroptimism’ in the eyes of a 'Soroptimist’? ‘’Optimism in everything we do, leads us to the World we want to live in’’. That is why we are Soroptimists! -Amrita Gautam   Please tell us a little

World Cancer Day

Dr. Janet Maker is an inspiring speaker who presented twice during the Breast Cancer awareness month programme at SI Downey in Camino Real Region. She is the author of “The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Breast Cancer”, the story of her own journey and all the things she learned, designed to

Mariet Verhoef-Cohen receives Global Impact Award

San Antonio, Texas, January 18, 2020 — The Evolutionary Business Council (EBC) announced our very own Mariet Verhoef-Cohen as the winner of its prestigious GLOBAL IMPACT Award for 2019 in the 6th Annual EBC Awards of Excellence. With a total member reach of over 614 million worldwide, the EBC is

A Letter from SI President Mariet Verhoef-Cohen

Dear Soroptimists Simone de Beauvoir, the French writer, philosopher and feminist once said: "Being a woman is not simply about being of a certain sex, it’s about being classified in society in a certain way.” As my term as your President draws to a close, we reflect on progress and

Soroptimists advocating for Gender Equality

Ulla Madsen, Soroptimist International Assistant Director Advocacy 2020-2021 reports from the International Conference on Gender Equality, Istanbul, Turkey. "It was with excitement that I received an invitation from President Melek Berkem to be a keynote speaker at the conference organised by SI Etiler Club 15 November 2019. My topic was


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