2023 Closing Report: Cambodia Community Dream Organisation

Soroptimist International's commitment to empowering women and girls globally has seen remarkable progress in our ongoing project in Cambodia, now continued under the auspices of the Soroptimist International (SI) Foundation. Initiated as part of our last SI President's Appeal 'Opening Doors to a Bright Future', the project, titled 'Education and

Opening Doors in Cambodia: Year 2, Quarter 3 Update 

For almost two years now, our SI President’s Appeal, ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’, has been delivering tangible benefits and positive change to the lives of women and girls living in Cambodia. In partnership with the Cambodia Community Dream Organisation (CCDO), this project focuses on empowering rural women and

CCDO Womens Empowerment Report

Having recently celebrated one year since the SI Presidents Appeal 2021 – 2023 ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’ launched in Cambodia, our partners at the Cambodia Community Dream Organisation (CCDO) have continued to work with local authorities and stakeholders to educate, empower, and enable rural women and girls to

CCDO Annual Report; A 12-month update from Cambodia

It has now been a full year since the first project of the SI President’s Appeal 2021 – 2023, ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’, launched in Cambodia.  Working in partnership with the Cambodia Community Dream Organisation (CCDO), and focusing specifically on ‘Education and Learning throughout the life course’, this


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