Our voice heard at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference

Blog of Evelyne PARA, SI Representative at UNESCO During the general policy debate of the plenary session of 11 November 2024, chaired by Ms Simona-Mirela Miculescu, Ambassador of Romania and President-elect of the 42nd General Conference of UNESCO, I had the chance to have the floor and to speak on
Photo fram with picture of Evelyne Para mounted on blue background. Right of the photo is the SI logo. Beneath, text reads: Transforming Education, a blog by Evelyne Para, SI Representative to UNESCO.

Transforming Education

Blog of Evelyne Para, SI UN Representative at UNESCO. "On 28-30 June 2022 UNESCO hosted the Transforming Education Pre-Summit, a meeting of more than 2000 participants (face-to-face and via Zoom), including over 150 Ministers of Education, many civil society partners and NGOs’ representatives, policy and business leaders and youth activists,

Reshaping Higher Education

Blog of Evelyne Para, UN SI Representative at UNESCO, Paris. "Reshaping ideas and practices in the education of the future graduates to ensure a sustainable future for our planet and humanity, such was the objective of two conferences organised by UNESCO in which I took part in May 2022. With

Education and gender stereotypes

Blog by Marie-Christine Gries, SI Representative at UNESCO, Paris. "Among the online events marking UNESCO on March 8, Women's Day, a webinar was held on the theme: “Smashing stereotypes: Challenging gender bias in and through education”. You can watch the full webinar here. The objective of this interactive webinar was

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Blog by Evelyne Para, SI United Nations Representative at UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation). "Since 2015, every 11 February we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Throughout the world, pioneering women scientists have marked, and continue to mark our history. But there are


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