A New Social Contract for Education

Blog by Marie-Christine Gries, SI United Nations Representative, Paris.  The current world is experiencing an unprecedented set of upheavals that profoundly destruct the lives of the inhabitants of the planet; climate change and environmental deterioration are a major concern. There is a widening of inequalities, between the richest and the

Accelerating Progress on SDG 4 in a Post COVID-19 World

Blog by Evelyne Para, SI UN Representative at The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). On 13 July, the UNESCO Global Education Meeting (GEM 2021) was held, with a ministerial segment on the sidelines of the High Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development. Entitled From Recovery to Accelerating

What is Global Citizenship Education?

Blog by Evelyne Para, SI UN Representative at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). "As the international community experiences an unprecedented health crisis, and contemporary challenges threatening the rule of law are a source of growing concern for many societies around the world, we realise now that

Education is a Human Right.

Special Advisor to SI Advocacy, Linda Witong, blogs about the content of the Human Rights Council's latest resolution on Education. "On July 11, 2019, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a Resolution which again addressed the human right to education. It acknowledged that, although the human right of everyone to

President’s Message: International Day of Rural Women

Dear Soroptimists, The coming week sees three notable International days, leading with, 15 October, The International Day for Rural Women, closely followed by World Food Day on 16 October and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October. The three days are inextricably linked, each issue adversely affecting

President’s Post: Rules of Water, Rules for Life

Dear Soroptimists, This week I will be attending the event ‘Rules of Water, Rules for Life’, the first edition of an annual conference organised by Milano Global and the Milan Center for Food Law and Policy, held in Milan on the theme of water as a legal asset and as a key


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