The Lost Children

SI President Yvonne Simpson and SIE Immediate Past President Ulla Madsen report. At the 26th Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice 2017, UN Vienna May 25, 2017, SIE Immediate Past President, Ulla Madsen was panellist at the side event, ‘The Lost Children - Safeguarding unaccompanied migrant

SI President’s Post: Celebrating many years of Soroptimist service

"The Soroptimist movement is heading for its centennial in 2021. Many of our volunteers have been members for a long time, and continue to give service to transform the lives and status of women and girls through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities. It is a privilege to acknowledge our wise

Entrance of Gender Issues into Global Environmental Development Agenda

By  Alice Odingo, SI UN Representative to UN Environment, Women Major Group (WMG) Alternate Facilitating Committee member and NGO Major Group Organizing Partner, Global South. "There are many definitions of the term environment. One such definition is “The external physical, biological and socio-economic conditions influencing the growth and development of

SI President’s Post: Promoting Awareness of Human Trafficking

Innovative education for effective crime prevention: the Alliance promoting awareness of human trafficking among flight crew. "Human trafficking is a heinous crime and one which affects women in greater numbers than men. Soroptimists worldwide raise awareness, and advocate for change to address this confronting issue. An event I attended aimed


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