The ABC of Soroptimist – SI Projects

Soroptimist International Club Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Project ABC

In a friendship link with Soroptimist Foundation Malaysia,
in partnership with United Nation High Commission for Refugee (UNHCR), AIESEC
(University Technology of Malaysia Student International Exchange program) and Sponsorship
from UNHCR – Doubletree Hilton, Johor Bahru 
and Private Individuals this seed for this project was sown in 2007.


Rohingya Refugee children are unable to attend State Schools
and private institutions and schools are too expensive and this project, entitled
Project ABC, an on-going project seeks to provide basic education to the
Rohingya Refugee children. SIJB considered the plight and needs of the children
and decided to set an education centre for the children at Kota Tinggi &
Kulai in Johore Malaysia. SIJB established its first school in 2007 in Kota
Tinggi. A second school followed in Kulai in 2010 and from an initial student
population of 25 the schools now have 220 students in total.


From providing a basic education, SIJB has moved on to
provide extras such as IT skills, career guidance and pursuing diploma courses
in Kuala Lumpur. Diploma graduates are able to continue their studies at
tertiary levels.

A magnificent achievement, these two schools now effectively
improve the lives of refugee children by teaching them to read and write,
giving marginalized children the confidence and social skills for the
betterment of their lives. The ABC project brings hands on tangible results and
benefits and offers hope, making the young people aware they are not forgotten
and society does care for them.

Several of the students have graduated and gone on to find
employment and are now able to support themselves and their families. Three of the
graduates have returned to the schools and are currently employed as teachers.
With the success of these two schools in providing education for the Rohingya
refugee children, SIJB was made the Implemented Partner of UNHCR. Now the 5th
NGO in Malaysia to be honored by this partnership. UNHCR has asked the
Soroptimists to take over the running of the Rohingya Community school in
Tampoi in 2016. SIJB has dedicated itself to helping to educate the Rohingya
children and strongly believes that education enables the refugee children to
acquire knowledge and skills that will assist them to develop economically and
socially, helping them to find employment and make the right decision for their

Former student of
Kota Tinggi School, Siti Azizah, diploma holder from HELP University Kuala
Lumpur says: "With the school’s help I have obtained a diploma in the
culinary arts and am currently employed with a local bakery. I hope to open my
own bakery one day and give work to my community."


Soroptimist International of Flagstaff, United States of
America, Golden West

Inspiring Youth Empowerment – Healthy Relationships FREE Forum

This program was made possible by a Soroptimist international
of the Americas grant and partnered with Victim Witness Services of Coconino
County, and Coconino Community College.

Over months of study, SI Flagstaff determined that the youth
in the community needed more access to education about dating violence and
healthy relationships. In order to prevent violence for women and girls, both
boys and girls must have access to this information.


The club sponsored an all-day forum to help educate young
people and bring awareness to the reality of dating violence and healthy
relationships. Both women and men were in attendance. Fourteen different
presenters shared 16 different topics. Some topics included; sexual consent,
LGBT+ issues, self-image, relationships, media literacy, etc. The club were grateful
to key note speaker Chief Jerald Monahan. Chief Monahan is a member of the
board of directors for the End Violence Against Women International

Looking to bring awareness to the topics addressed, the club
hoped that participants would leave with a new found knowledge and plenty of information
about dating violence and healthy relationships.

With 80 participants at the forum it was clear to the club
that awareness and education is of significant importance. In order for our
women and girls to be free of violence, healthy relationships with friends,
significant others and most importantly self, are crucial.

Follow up forums are scheduled and with the event focusing
on participants of 18+ years, target audiences will include teens. And additionally
plans include a program to take place on the same day, for any parents wishing
to attend.

SI Beenleigh, South Queensland, Australia

Walk the Talk – End Violence Against Women Information Event

Working with the Queensland Police, Beenleigh Police
Citizens Youth Club, Domestic Violence and Prevent Centre Gold Coast, Working Against
Violence Support Service, the Centre Against Sexual Violence Logan,
Bravehearts; Salvation Army, the Mayor of Logan City Council and State members
of Parliament Federal members of Parliament, this information event aimed to raise
public awareness of the availability of, and how to access professional support
services, mentoring and general information for victims of domestic violence.


The club organized an information, awareness raising event
for people of all ages, in a public open space for four hours one Saturday
morning with organizations providing support services in allocated booths, displaying
resources and talking about their services. Professionals and guest speakers
were given the opportunity to address the general public and painting and
drawing were provided in order for people to tell their story and write messages of
support. A 2KM walk through the Central Business District was organized to
garner public attention and advocate for improved spending in education and
relationship courses on addressing violence against women.

SI Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

SEEED (Soroptimists Educate, Empower, Enable Dream) Jobs For

Partnering with the National Council of Women’s
Organisations Malaysia (NCWO) and Malaysia’s leading youth volunteer community,
IM4U and sponsored by the Prime Minister’s Office Malaysia and Agensi Inovasi
Malaysia, SIPJ member Anusha Santhirasthipam pioneered and created a social
impact innovation youth transformation and job placement programme, that is
carried out over 10 weeks. The programme offers Mindset Change &
Personality Development, Vision & Goal Setting, Communication Skills &
Public Speaking, Critical Thinking, Time Management, Teambuilding, Project
Management, Dressing & Etiquette, Health/Lifestyle advice, Financial
Management, Writing Effective Resumes, Intensive Coaching for Job Interviews
and Business Plan & Budgeting.


Malaysia has more than 200,000 unemployed graduates and
almost one million school dropouts and jobless young people under 30 years.
Crime, trafficking, prostitution and drug related offences have reached
alarming levels. SI Petaling Jaya competed with 300 NGOs to win a coveted Seed
Grant from Prime Minister’s Office Agensi Inovasi Malaysia Berbudi Berganda
Competition to tackle youth unemployment and reduce social ills, substance
abuse, crime, prostitution, poverty and destitution.

Independent Consultants were appointed by the Prime
Minister’s Office to monitor this pioneer social impact innovation programme
and three surveys were done during the duration of the programme to monitor and
evaluate the empowerment and enabling work by SIPJ. Eighteen secured
employment/business apprenticeship, 10 secured their dream tertiary education
course (1 with prestigious Government scholarship), 5 are now running business
from home and 8 are continuing with part time work and studies.

SIPJ has expanded this programme to Klang district to the
communities of Pandamaran and Kapar, each of which have alarming official
statistics for crime and youth unemployment. SEEED Jobs For Life is awarded
National Blue Ocean Strategy (Social PPP) status and secured sponsorship of
RM125,000 (GBP20,000) from Malaysian Collaborative Impact Initiative (MCII) and
AIM / Prime Minister’s Office.

"SEEED had no doubt groomed me into becoming a better
speaker and has pushed my self-confidence off the chart. I was inspired to
throw myself out of my comfort zone. SEEED taught me to grasp the individuality
in everyone and make use of that. I am very fortunate for the guidance I’ve
been given to achieve things I never thought I would. "CANDACE CHEAH,
BSc.Vet Science and Ms Tourism Pageant Winner.


SI Phoenix, Golden West, United States of America

Tumbleweed Young Adult Holiday Party

Late last year, SI Phoenix worked with the Tumbleweed Center
for Youth Development in providing holiday food and emotional support for young
adults ages 18-24, served by Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development. The young
people, some with their own children, often homeless or without family support,
were invited to a winter holiday party. Soroptimists prepared a holiday meal
and assembled gift baskets and activities such as cookie decorating and card
making and held a Santa’s workshop where children could select and wrap a small
gift for the parent and one or two age-appropriate books for the young adults and
their children were given. 

Many of the youth served by this program are abandoned,
abused, and emotionally fragile. For many the meal provided by the club was the
first or only meal they had eaten all day. The club wanted to provide food,
gifts and emotional support, so that the youth would have a sense of their
value and that others care about them. They also involved young women
(daughters of Soroptimists and friends) in the event; who took responsibility
for the card making and cookie decorating areas.

Reports received from social workers showed those involved loved
the event, and many were touched and felt supported by the event.


SI Chennai, Madras, India

Juvenoptimist Club of Lady Andal Venkatasubba Rao School

In an empowering Soroptimist project, the youth wing of Si Chennai,
started by Mrs. Prema Kumar 10 years ago, is known as the Juvenoptimist Club of
Lady Andal Venkatasubba Rao School. Growing in leaps and bounds, today the youth
projects and the work done in one academic year is phenomenal. Office bearers
are installed at the beginning of the academic year annually. Some of the work
done by Juvenoptimists include the collection of money for ‘Little Drops and the
home for Aged and Destitute.


Through various projects that take place throughout the
academic year, a unique platform is created to enable young people to become
involved with all aspects of life and work towards the sustainable development
goals at a time of imminent reform and change. It is a meeting ground for the
youth of Lady Andal School with ambitions to make effective and lasting changes
on global issues and focuses on young people championing humanitarian causes to
become involved and take action.





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