The Commonwealth People's Forum 2011: The Strength of Civil Society

International Past President Margaret Lobo, and SI South West Pacific Federation Programme Director recently represented Soroptimist International at the Commonwealth People’s Forum and Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. 

The Commonwealth People’s Forum:

The value, structure and status of the Commonwealth were the subject of much debate and discussion, in light of the limited budget and direct influence over nation state legislation. However, where the Commonwealth was suggested to be weak, civil society was argued to be strong. The role of civil society was repeatedly emphasised, and the potential of the sector to directly lobby governments for change was stressed. Ingrid Srinath, Secretary General of CIVICUS challenged civil society organisations to look at their own practices and think about how CSOs can use their influence in 2012 to promote democracy and civic participation in places where rights have been eroded. She urged all Commonwealth CSOs to challenge their Governments to promote human rights and civil liberty throughout the Commonwealth.

Discussions on gender equality centred on the Commonwealth Programme of
Action and the progress made so far. 

A great deal of progress has been made in some
countries but gender equity is playing ‘catch up’ and therefore needs dedicated resources. Better collaboration and participation between Governments and
civil society was argued to be essential to success. Organisations were urged to forge partnerships and work together wherever they can in order to maximise resources.

It was largely agreed by CSOs that urgent legal reform was required to achieve gender equity. Once again it was stated that economic growth
without educating women is not possible. The gap between policy and practice needs
to be reduced and member states must plan with an explicit "gender agenda" in mind.

Of the 54 Commonwealth countries, 22 are experiencing
conflict or emerging from conflict. This inevitably impacts on the well being of women and girls and impairs gender equity. Participants were urged to monitor
their governments and get them to adhere to and implement UN Resolution 1325. 

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

The Commonwealth Heads of Government met in Perth, Australia, from 28 to 30
October 2011, under the theme ‘Building National Resilience, Building
Global Resilience’.

Heads reaffirmed their commitment to the values and principles of the
Commonwealth and agreed to a series of actions to maintain the
Commonwealth’s relevance, to ensure its effectiveness in responding to
contemporary global challenges and to build resilient societies and
economies. Given the significant challenges facing the global economy,
Heads emphasised the importance of the international community working
cooperatively to secure a sustainable global recovery. Heads highlighted
the importance of a strong response to these challenges to provide the
necessary confidence to global markets.


To read the final communique from CHOGM 2011, including what the heads of state agreed in light of the Eminent Person’s Report, `A Commonwealth of the People: Time for Urgent Reform’, click here.

Reported by Margaret Lobo

Past International President 

November 2011









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