Time for action to end violence against women and girls – live updates from CSW

 The Soroptimist International delegation is hard at work at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW57) in New York, lobbying, sharing experience and learning from others.  You can read the latest updates from CSW at www.soroptimistinternational.org/CSW57 and see photos below.  SI is calling for CSW to send out a strong message that violence against women and girls must end, with specific recommendations on empowering, educating and enabling opportunities.

Today will see the first of two parallel sessions organised by SI with partners World Assocation of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) entitled "Stop the Tide: Tackling Adolescent Dating Violence".  Up to one-third of teens experience abuse in dating relationships.The session will look at current trends and signals to look out for, as well as the effects of peer pressure. The use of technology and social media will be considered, both as a means to violate girls and as a tool to combat abuse and the workshop will include a panel of speakers, films, discussion and interactive activities. As well as SI and WAGGGS, there will be contributors from Take Back the Tech and US Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. 

The second SI session will take place on 7 March: From Girl Child to Mature Woman: A Life Course Approach to Gender Empowerment and a Violence-free Life. 



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