UN Member States Agree: Good Health Requires Mental Well Being

September, Soroptimist International joined with over 90 NGOs to sign a
statement calling upon the Member States of the UN to include mental health as
a non-communicable disease (NCDs), in recognition of the fact that good health
requires mental well being in addition to physical well being. This was presented during the UN General
Assembly High Level Meeting on NCDs
, held 19-20 September, 2011.

International is pleased to report that this statement was taken into
consideration and recommendations included in the final declaration. Mental health references
were included in the resulting Political Declaration by the General
Assembly.  Paragraphs 5, 17 and 18 reflect the efforts
of many people and organisations advocating for the inclusion of mental health
as a risk factor, its co-morbidity with other NCDs, and the need for an
integrative health approach that includes mental health in the treatment and
prevention of NCDs. 


We, Heads of State and Government and
representatives of States and Governments, assembled at the United Nations from
19 to 20 September 2011

5) Reaffirm the right of everyone to the enjoyment
of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health;

17) Note further that there is a range of other
non-communicable diseases and conditions, for which the risk factors and the
need for preventive measures, screening, treatment and care are linked with the
four most prominent non-communicable diseases;

18) Recognise that mental
and neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, are an important
cause of morbidity and contribute to the global non-communicable disease
burden, for which there is a need to provide equitable access to effective
programmes and health-care interventions.


International, together with the NGO Committee on Mental Health, looks forward
to the next steps of agreeing the targets, timelines, and review processes
that are to be put into place for NCDs.

To read the full document please click
here: Political Declaration

To read more about the statement, click here.




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