What links SI Europe, a New Zealand marathon runner, a school in Rwanda, a travelling Soroptimist and a small SI club in New Zealand?

Contributors: Sharron Maree SI Waitara President, Members: Thelma Luxton, Theresa Lyford and Madison Chamberlain from SI Rangatahi– New Zealand

Picture above: SI Club Kigali

What do a Soroptimist International Europe magazine article, a New Zealand marathon runner, an African school in Rwanda, a young Soroptimist traveling in Africa, and a small SI Club Waitara in New Zealand have in common? Intrigued? So were we, and here’s what we discovered.

As SI Waitara prepares to celebrate its 40th Charter Anniversary in November 2024, the Club was curious when young Soroptimist Madison Chamberlain from SI Club Rangatahi New Zealand reached out. While working in Africa, Madison found a plaque on a school building in San Marco, Rwanda, listing SI Waitara as a sponsor for the Centre de Formation et d’accueil SAN MARCO.

Photos above of the school and the plaque.

The story traces back to SI Waitara member Raewynne Niwa’s participation in the Peace Marathon in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2006. Inspired by an article in a SI Europe magazine about the first Rwandan Peace Marathon, Raewynne wanted to participate but was unable to travel due to financial constraints. Undeterred, she ran a marathon in her hometown on the same day the Peace Marathon took place in Kigali, raising funds to support the cause.

This photograph shows Raewynne Niwa (centre) with her support team Adrienne Heapy (L) and Alison Russell (R ) after completing her mountain to sea run on 14 May 14 2006 in conjunction with the Peace Marathon in  Rwanda. Raewyyne was sponsored by Soroptimist clubs through New Zealand, friends, family and the Waitara community. The money raised would go to the Soroptimist Club who organised the Peace Marathon.

Her passion for the project was rooted in an earlier experience. In 2005, Raewynne and fellow Soroptimist Alison Russel ran a marathon on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, where they were deeply moved by the generosity and joy of the local people. Armed with 100 pencils and 50 notebooks, they made a lasting impression on the children, who exchanged handmade gifts for the supplies.

The Peace Marathon aimed to foster community spirit by encouraging local children to run and offering them t-shirts from sponsors. Raewynne’s ‘Peace’ marathon in New Zealand helped raise funds that were later presented at an international Soroptimist Convention, supporting the San Marco School in Rwanda.

This story highlights the long-term impact Soroptimist projects can have. Nearly 20 years later, the school continues to provide quality education, demonstrating the power of collaboration between Soroptimist Clubs worldwide.

SI Waitara is keen to reconnect with the European club that sponsored the project and share the outcomes of this incredible journey.

Huge congratulations to SI Waitara on their 40th Charter Anniversary!

Photo credits: Madison Chamberlain 



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