A blog by Cathy Standiford, SIA
“At the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) there are hundreds of possible panels, workshops and events to attend, typically at least a dozen choices at any given time. But what happens when the event you planned to attend gets cancelled at the last minute? Unexpected opportunities to network and advocate!

Photo: L-R Cathy Standiford, Liz Glowka and Lee Ann Cochran, SIA
I had planned to attend a session on how the “Key to Rural Women’s Empowerment is Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325”. This important treaty sets forth standards and requirements to ensure women achieve participation in decision making at all levels, to prevent gender-based violence and war, and to protect the rights of women and girls, as well as protect them from gender-biased policies.
At the appointed time it was announced the session would not be held. Although disappointed, the group that had gathered decided to have an informal conversation on the topic. There were NGO representatives from many countries, including Uganda, Kenya, Pakistan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United States–even an intern from one of UN Women’s divisions. We shared information about who we represented and our concerns about women, peace and security. We discussed why implementation of 1325 seems so slow, and what it would look like if women were given stronger roles in peace building, and equal participation at all levels of government in all countries.
A woman from Kenya reported 1325 could not address the root cause of the current conflict in her country–the lack of water and available land. I seized the opportunity to share information about our current SI President’s Appeal, “Women, Water & Leadership.” Soroptimists were complimented as “women of action,” which made me so proud! By the end of our time together we had made new contacts, developed new ideas for educating, enabling and empowering women and girls, and felt enriched by the opportunity to discuss this issue at a grassroots level”.
Follow Cathy on Twitter @siggcathy