Women's Opportunity Awards: "Courage in Every Crisis"

This week’s SoroptiVoice blog comes from SIA’s new Federation Programme Director Sharon Fisher. She writes about SIA’s flagship Women’s Opportunity Award and shares the stories of some of the award winners. Today also marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence – the stories she shares are a reminder of why it is so important that we support survivors of violence. For more information about the 16 Days of Activism, visit the November Monthly Focus.

At Soroptimist International of the America’s,
our Women’s Opportunity Award embraces the 3E model: educate, empower and
enable. All of the clubs throughout our 19 SIA countries
strive to give this award to assist a woman who provides the primary source of
financial support to her family.  The Women’s Opportunity Award has educated,
empowered and enabled
thousands of women to overcome enormous obstacles
from poverty, to domestic violence to substance abuse. Each year more than $1.5
million is disbursed in cash awards and since the inception of the program more
than $25 million has been awarded to help women achieve their dreams of a
better life for themselves and their families.

This award starts
at the club level and the winners advance until 3 finalists are recognized each
year with cash awards of $10,000 USD each at the Federation level.  To quote one of our 2011 finalists Gladwyn,
recognized by Southern Region, says of Soroptimist “You are the reason my long
term educational goals have been born. 
Also, you have taught me that the key to living is giving.  You will always play a part in my life as I
reach out a helping hand to others as a social worker.   I can now see there is courage in every
crisis.  It is time to let my life shine
and really start living.”

These words were
spoken from a woman who survived a childhood of terror being a victim of sexual
abuse, only to become involved with partners that made her a victim of domestic
abuse and then substance abuse.  After
the birth of her second child she discovered she had some choices and she gained
the strength to leave the abusive relationship. 
After applying for a Women’s Opportunity Award she was able to complete
her classes and is currently earning her degree and her future is promising as
a social worker.

The other woman
that was recognized as a 2011 Women’s Opportunity Award finalist is from Brazil
Region.  She was abandoned by her mother
at age 2 and raised by her father who started sexually abusing her at a young
age.  After giving birth to several
children it was not until she was 36 years old that she confessed the father of
her children was her own father.  After
proving the fact with DNA tests she finally was free when he was arrested.  Her children have medical problems due to the
close genetic links and now she has secured a more stable life for them. 

She says “I can
now offer them a better life and raise them with respect and dignity.  I was without hope but now can and want to
start a new life.  I have great willpower
and now I am free!”

These are only
two accounts of women who have been helped with this program.   It is inspiring and moving to hear similar
stories over and over about the beneficiaries of The Women’s Opportunity
Award.  This signature program of
Soroptimist International of the America’s
has been recognized with several national awards.  At this time of year clubs are busy receiving
applications from women who need our help. 

If you know
of a woman who resides in any of our 19 SIA countries who meets the criteria for
this award, applications are available on the SIA website and can be forwarded
online to siahq@soroptimist.org.

To hear more
about the women helped with this educational Soroptimist program please visit www.soroptimist.org




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