b'In ActionSoroptimists implemented the project using a variety of strategies. Relationship-building proved key, and stakeholders such as the Ministry of Public Work were included, together with local religious organisations. The community was embraced and participation encouraged during all phases of the project. Written statements from the heads of 31 families in the village were received ensuring continued support and further endorsement was obtained from local authorities. As co-implementers of the construction work, Objectivesvillagers were taught maintenance, and a team of champions selected, to actively promote Following the earthquakes in Palu andhealth and hygiene practices, effective water Lombok, SI Clubs in Indonesia were providinguse and management, and the user pays family tents, emergency kits and manyprinciple (people pay for the water they use other basic goods to communities. It wasand the electricity to run the pumps); new subsequently decided that Women, Water &ways of doing old things, which were driven Leadership would extend this support, with theand embraced by all villagers. Transparency construction of a water and sanitation projectwas vital and the focus on relationship-building in the village of Rebuk Satu, Rembitan, Centralgenerated opportunities for free services and Lombok. The village is home to 31 families,support in relation to the distribution of water, around 124 people, 60 of whom were women.with project status and progress regularly Implementing a whole community approach,discussed in meetings with the broader village the sustainability of the project would becommunity.assured through a dedicated programme of skills and vocational training, together withWater was extremely scarce in the region, and awareness raising within the community. the construction of a water well initially proved unsuitable for drinking, and the flow of water too weak to cater for villagers needs. Temporary measures were soon adopted, and solutions sought through testing which found the presence of water close by. Boring was initiated, and although setbacks were encountered, Implementing the Sustainable Developmentpiping was eventually laid directly to Rebuk Goals (SDGs), SI Club Jakarta initiated a seriesSatu, and water tanks successfully filled on a of meetings with local women and villagers todaily basis. discuss strategy, assign levels of participation,Two 5,500-litre capacity water tanks have since and design a programme. A field officer wasbeen installed underground, ensuring increased recruited to work as a liaison between thesecurity in the event of further earthquakes. A Soroptimists in Jakarta and villagers in Rebuknew well now provides the village with its main Satu. Working committees were established, ledsource of water and the construction of toilets by local women, and the project was officiallyand bathroom facilities benefit 25 families. With launched in February 2019. a second small borehole functioning well and with the provision of waste disposal systems, villagers now enjoy access to good, clean water.soroptimistinternational.org 18'