b'Soroptimist InternationalReport for the High-Level Political Forumthatsawsomeoftheworstformsofviolencefor every ten trees planted, the club would provide recorded in Kenya. Recognised as an organisationasolarlamp.Thisdoubledtheenvironmental whohadbeenworkingwithwomeninviolence- benefitsnotonlydotreeshelplimit affectedcommunities,membersofSIEldoretdesertificationandabsorbcarbon,butthesolar received training from mental health professionals which allowed them to offer psychosocial supportlampshelped reducerelianceon kerosenelamps tovictimsatthecampsforinternallydisplacedwhich were affecting womens and childrens health peoplewereabletorecoverfromtheirtrauma.due to toxic fumes within the home. Use of the solar Crucially, by holding a position of trust with womenlamps had the direct consequence of ensuring girls in the community, SI Eldoret was able to effectivelywere able to study.provide these services to those in need. It was also during this time that the Club recognised the needThetree-plantingprojectsupportedthisthrough toprovidefinancialassistancetowomen,withpeople-to-people dialogue and by consolidating the many being rural small-scale farmers who had lostcommunity. For household compounds that planted theirlivelihoods.Theyneededtobequicklyre-equipped with seeds and agricultural equipment tofifty trees or more, SI Eldoret equipped them with a allow them to re-empower themselves and returnwater tank. This provided the household with clean to the livelihoods they were skilled in. Combiningwater,andmeantwomenandgirlsnolonger psychosocialserviceswitheconomicneeded to travel significant distances to rivers to empowerment,SIEldoretwasabletosupportcollect water. women to become survivors, rather than victims, enablingtheirsocialre-integrationandfinding socialcommonalitiesratherthandifferences. Unfortunately,election-relatedviolencehas continuedtobeaprobleminKenyaandUasin County,so,SIEldorethascontinueditsworkin peace-building, justice and conflict resolution, and in particular ensuring women are included in these activities,thereforeaddressingbothunderlying inequalities(SDG10)andtheneedforpeaceful societies (SDG16). Peace, the Environment and Climate Change: Trees for Peace Seeing the value of emphasising what communities have in common, and challenges that unite them, SIEldorethasusedtheneedtoaddressclimateBytimingthetreeplantingandraising change issues to bring communities together. Afterenvironmental awareness during the rainy season, the post-election violence that happened in 2008, itSI Eldoret intends to continue with this programme wasessentialthatthedifferenttribeslivinginas the country gears up for a referendum in June, Eldoret were brought together to avert a potentialand in light of the upcoming elections next year.crisis.Environmentalchallengeswereaffecting everyone regardless of what tribe they belonged toRecognising the power of women as change makers, withimpactsofclimatechangebeingSI Eldoret has built upon this project by teaching indiscriminate, it provided an opportunity to unite awomen how to build fireless cookers and kitchens in potentiallydividedcommunity.Workingwiththetheir homes, further reducing indoor pollution and provincialadministrationandothersSIEldoretimproving health. By removing the need to collect encouraged community members to plant trees infirewood and water, responsibilities that largely fall their home compounds during the rainy season, andto women and girls, SI Eldoret addressed the time28'