b'advocacyGeneva ParisThe second largest UN Centre, Geneva focusesThe focus of our work in the UN Educational, on Human Rights and Peace and Security.Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Our three Representatives, Berthe De Vosis Education. In 2020, Marie-Christine Gries (Centre Contact), Kristin Reynisdottir andwas our Center Contact, and our additional Stacy Ciulik, with Ulla Madsen leading therepresentatives were Rina Dupriet and Evelyne team. Representatives follow the ConventionPara. Marie-Christine finished her second on the Rights of the Child, the Convention onterm as treasurer of the UNESCO NGO Liaison the Elimination of All Forms of DiscriminationCommittee in December 2020. Topics of work Against Women, and Universal Periodic Reviewincluded Global Citizenship, the Futures of following countries where we have SoroptimistEducation, a Global Initiative to reimagine how clubs.knowledge and learning can have the future of education and the planet, International Day of Education, International Literacy Day, the Day of the Girl Child, and the gender gap in science and technology. The year ended with the NGO Vienna Conference held in December.Christine Peer, Center Contact and Vice-Chair of NGO CSW Vienna, Martina Gredler,nairobiSecond Vice President of the Conference of NGOs, and Marion Prechtl, treasurer of the Sustainable Development Committee are ourThe main focus of their work is the UN Representatives in Vienna. Work in ViennaEnvironmental Program (UNEA). UNEA-focuses on issues relating to violence against5 which was to take place in 2020 was women and girls. SI Representatives attendpostponed until 2021. The team followed the The Commission on Crime Prevention andwork on the United Nations Environmental Criminal Justice, The Convention on OrganisedAssembly and the Committee of Permanent Crime, and the Commission on Drugs annually,Representatives in preparation for 2021. The focusing on issues relating to women and girls.team also reported on World Environment Day. The theme for 2020 was Time for Nature, focusing on infrastructure to support life on earth and human development. soroptimistinternational.org 15'