b'Photo: Rugiatu Turay of the Soroptimist SixIn Action with Global Media Campaign In Action with Lugari Training CentreOur partnership with the Global MediaWe have started working with the Lugari Campaign to End FGM has continuedCommunity Centre in Western Kenya, where we throughout the year with the Soroptimisthad planned a Leadership Academy for their 6 active in their respective countries and at10th Anniversary of the program in October the same time using their voices and media2020.It was postponed several times with to include awareness about the pandemicthe girls out of school in Kenya, so we decided with hand washing and social distancingto step up and help them finish a building, information.Their audiences have grownincreasing the capacity of the centre so more as has the desire to learn about COVID 19, sogirls can attend.The Leadership Academy will as the anti FGM activists deliver messagesnow take place later in 2021.We hope by then by radio, the COVID 19 message is deliveredsome of our members will be able to join a at the same time.So far four of the fivestudy tour as originally planned.This project countries they are working in have succeededaddresses FGM, Child Marriage, the rights of in seeing change. It is slower in Sierra Leonewomen and girls and the value of education. so extra effort is being put into that countryThe Road to Equality Appeal has raised enough as we move into 2021.Once a girl is cut, shefunds to sponsor this program and include up to is considered ready for marriage, becoming a250 girls at their 10th Leadership Academy.This victim of child marriage, meaning this projectis certainly good news.Khayanga Wasike, the touches on two of the Appeal themes.Thefounder, is a Soroptimist and is supported by her Soroptimist 6 have reached millions of viewerslocal Soroptimist club in many activities at the with their campaigns in Kenya, Mali, Nigeria,center.Sierra Leone and Gambia. soroptimistinternational.org 7'