b'Soroptimist InternationalReport for the High-Level Political ForumCONCLUSION This report evidences the work being carried out byequalityandhumanrightswillfurtherthe2030 Soroptimist International clubs across the world toAgenda and ensure no one is left behind, providing contributetothe2030AgendaandSustainabledignitytoallpeople,ofallages,everywhere,no DevelopmentGoals.Theprojectshighlightedinmattertheireconomicorsocialsituation.Alife-these pages represent thousands of projects whichcourse approach to education and training is the key seek to improve the lives and status of all womentotransformingthelivesofwomenandgirls; and girls and address the multiple and intersectingprogrammes and policies should better harness this forms of discrimination they face. For years, SI andpowerful approach to sustainable development.other civil society organisations have reported the detrimentalimpactsoftheCOVID-19pandemic,Everysinglepolicyissuedirectlyimpactsgender violence, poverty and lack of education on the livesequality;theGoalsmustbeseenholistically.To of all women and girls. As well as addressing globalachievegenderequalityallsustainable regressionongenderequality,theworkdonebydevelopment efforts and pre-existing policies, laws, women at the grassroots demonstrates expertise,andprogrammesmustadapttopromotethe commitment and tremendous efforts to counteractachievement of gender equality. Together, gender the lack of bold, decisive action by states. equalityandeducationmakeapowerfulpairing. Life-longaccesstohigh-qualityeducationand We need multidimensional action which centres ontraining,istransformativeinempoweringall gender equality and education. Human rights andwomen and girls, as well as in providing access to gender equality cannot be an add-on to achievingleadershipopportunities.Educationandskills the SDGs: they must be the basis of all programmesdevelopmentofwomenandgirlsresultsinthe andpolicies.Effortstakentoachievegenderreduction of economic inequality and poverty.EDUCATION & CONFLICTGENDER-BASED VIOLENCE & Education changes peoples lives, and this isECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY especially true for women and girls. We mustWomen and girls face increasing rates of gender-harness the potential of education and trainingbased violence, and the pandemic has fueled this. to create a more equal and sustainable worldTo combat violence women and girls must be in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Comingeconomically empowered. This gives them from Northern Ireland, I understand the impactfreedom over their own lives and choices. They conflict can have on communities and the roledeserve this on their own merits, but it also helps education has in harnessing the power offamilies and societies. We cannot think about peace. Education programmes will be vital inviolence and economic empowerment separately. rebuilding Ukraine and are critical forFinancially independent women are at lower risk supporting refugee and displaced women andof abuse, trafficking and exploitation. This must be girls to be empowered in the places they nowfactored in to states decisions on social protection call home.floors and sustainable development policies. SI President Maureen MaguireSI Advocacy Adviser Bev Bucur'