b'Soroptimist InternationalReport for the High-Level Political Forum CAMEROONVocationaltrainingisessentialforempoweringgirlstostarttheirownbusinessesorgain employment.By fundingscholarshipsforthirtygirlswhoareinternallydisplacedpersons,SI Yaounde has supported those girls being able to transform their lives, addressing increased risks of poverty, exploitation, and abuse.Project partners: Prime Ministers Office, Ministerisbeabletocontributetotheireconomies,be ofWomen,BasicEducationandSecondaryfinancially independent and to develop the skills of Education.other women and girls. Internallydisplacedgirlsfacesignificantrisksof poverty,violence,exploitation,andabuse.To addresstheserisksandtoempowergirls approaching adulthood, SI Yaounde sponsored 30 girlsthroughvocationaltraining.Thegirlschose whether to pursue training in decoration, catering, hairdressing,make-up artistry,sewing,secretarial skills or management, with a view to being able to establish a future business or gain employment. Theprojecthasbeenextremelysuccessfulin securingemploymentfortheyoungwomenwho receivetraining.100%ofthosewhoparticipateFor example, two of the girls joined forces to open have secured jobs or started businesses; of the 30theirownbeautysalon,twowholearntsewing girlstrainedbySIYaounde,twenty-oneformedgained work with their trainer and are now training their own businesses and nine were employed. Thisothergirls,andfivewholearntcateringhave demonstrates the abilities and desire of women to ACHIEVING SDGs 4, 5 & 17: Using scholarships to promote access to high-quality vocational training to women and girls in vulnerable situations, ensuring that participants have relevant vocation skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship (target 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 & 4.b) Supporting women and girls to become leaders and economic decision-makers (target 5.5) By providing alternative economic opportunities, combatting gender-based violence by reducing risks of trafficking and other forms of exploitation (target 5.2) Using multistakeholder partnerships to mobilise resources and sharing knowledge for sustainable development (target 17.16)7'